Chantal Gillingham began her training at Camberwell College of
the Arts in 1994, then left London to study Painting at Norwich
School of Art, where she was awarded The Pullen Prize for painting
in 1997. Returning to London Gillingham attended postgraduate study
at the Central School of Speech and Drama, after which time she
took up post as Artist in Residence at Eltham College, London,
where she had her first solo exhibition, 'Family', in 2004.
Gillingham has exhibited widely in the UK and abroad, taking
part in and organising a range of independent projects as artist,
researcher and teacher. She has organised a range of opportunities
and workshops for artists to discuss and work with young people,
working with art organisations, commercial and non-commercial
galleries, universities and schools.
- 2018: Pillow Talk, Tate Lates, Tate Modern, London
- 2017: Closer Still, Bowery, Leeds
- 2016: Pillow Talk, Goldsmiths Library, London
- 2015: Debut Contemporay, London
- Forme Trinity, Oil &
Water Gallery, London
- Urban, Brixton East Gallery,
- Pop Living, Schwartz
Gallery, London
- 2014: Finders keepers losers weepers, Conway Hall Residency,
- Human Suffering in a Time of
Crisis, Debut Contemporary, London
- Colourswatch, Espacio
Gallery, Bethnal Green, London
- 2013: Debut Contemporary, London
- Swimming against the tide,
Hide Gallery, London
- Piecework, Espacio Gallery,
Bethnal Green, London
- Creek, Creekside Cafe,
- Landscapes, Awareness and
Wellness Centre, London
- Tender, Stephen Lawrence
Trust, London
- 2012: Snap, Bankside Gallery, London
- 2004: 25 Artists-25 Drawings, The Drawing Gallery, London
- Family, solo exhibition,
Eltham College, London
Residencies and other projects
- 2019: Sabbattical Leave, HOME, Studio Residency, Kent
- Pillow Talk, SLWA
Publication, London
- 2018: then and now, Bowery publication, Leeds
- FARM, Collaborative Drama
& Art Project, JAGS, London
- ArtHistoryLinkUp,
- 2017: New York Art Tour, JAGS, London
- 2016: Head of Extended Project, Research program, JAGS,
- 2016: Pillow Talk, TEDxUCLWomen, Goldsmiths, London
- 2015: Finders Keeper Losers Weepers, Conway Hall Residency,
- 2014: Dangerous Erasions, Deptford X, London
- 2013: East End Gallery Tour, JAGS, London
- 2011: Assistant director, Romania Project, JAGS, Romania
- 2010: Turbinegeneration, Tate Modern, London
- 2009: Artist workshop/talks, JAGS, London
- 2006: Teacher of Art, James Allen's Girls' School, London
- 2005: Visualconsequences, Southwark Learning Partnership,
Alleyn's School, London